
Scott's Playlist Playground: Random & Eclectic

I’m new to Regina, so haven’t been to the RFF; but was always keenly aware of it. Was finally looking forward to checking it out now that I lived in town, but the universe had some other plans. So, happy to have a chance to be involved!

This playlist is just a sampling of some of the random and eclectic music choices I love; hopefully others will enjoy it too.

“Melt the Universe with Brotherly Love” - Joel Plaskett

It’s a great new song from the latest album; a good toe-Tapper and a great message.

“Winning Streak” - Glen Hansard
I adore Glen’s composition and vocals; and this song just highlights both so well.

“Next Year People” - Colin Hay
It’s an amazing song filled with imagery and that tells a tale I’m sure we all feel right now: no ext year things will be good.

“Landslide” - Stevie Nicks
This is just one of the all-time great songs; a wonderful introspective message that just resonates with me.

“Grow as We Go” - Ben Platt
Anyone familiar with Dear Evan Hansen knows Ben; and what an amazing voice he has, and his solo record is full of examples showing what a songwriter he is too. Just a great song that a lot of us can identify with.

“Stupid Things” - Keane
Another new song off their latest, just a great beat and another lyrical story that I think a lot of people will identity with.


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