Bylaws & Membership
Annual General Meeting
Our next AGM will be held in 2025 with the date to be determined.
RFF Bylaws
RFF Membership
The cost of an RFF Inc. membership is $15 or 15 hours of volunteerism. If you would like to pay to become a member, please contact us for payment information.
A. RFF shall have one class of membership known as Individual Members.
B. Any person in agreement with the purpose stated above, may become an Individual Member up to twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the AGM upon either:
payment of an annual fee of fifteen (15) dollars;
completion of a minimum of fifteen (15) annual volunteer hours.
C. Individual Membership shall be valid for a period of one year.
D. The Board is responsible for keeping an up-to-date listing of active Individual Members.
E. Individual Members are responsible for informing the Board of changes to their contact information.
F. Individual Members are entitled to the privileges of membership including:
the right to vote at meetings of members;
the right to be elected as a Director.
G. Individual Members may withdraw their membership by giving notice in writing to the Board. Resignations shall be effective upon receipt as indicated in writing. The withdrawing member shall not be entitled to a refund of fees paid or any portion thereof.
H. Individual Members may not assign or transfer their membership to another party.