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Holly's Playlist Playground: Kickass Female Musicians

I am the mother of two wonderful humans, Fynn and Soren, and partner to another wonderful human, Darryn. I'm the Executive Director of the Regina Farmers' Market and so I spend a lot of time in downtown Regina during the summer. I'm passionate about locally grown food and I love preparing, growing, and eating good food. I have always loved discovering new music and RFF is the perfect place to find it. I have attended the RFF most years since my early 20s. I have so many good memories of warm folky nights at RFF but my favourite was in 2011. I was pregnant with my first son, Fynn, and my due date was on folk fest weekend. I didn't end up getting a ticket that year as I wasn't sure I'd be able to attend. I remember doing laps around Victoria Park and listening to Andrew Bird just outside the festival gates while trying to coax our little one to make their earth-side appearance.

This playlist highlights a few of my favourite kickass female musicians.

“Subdivision” - Ani DiFranco

Anyone who knows me is well aware of my love for Ani DiFranco. She's the whole package: outspoken activist, feminist, righteous babe, and kick-ass guitarist. Picking only one Ani song was almost impossible but I chose this one from 2001 as it is still so relevant to what's happening in 2020. I have seen her play 4 times; once was at RFF!

“Night Still Comes” - Neko Case
It's just a good song. Everything Neko puts out is excellent. I also saw her perform at RFF!

“Next Year People” - Anaïs Mitchell
Anaïs released Hadestown in 2010 and I fell deeply in love. It was the first-ever "folk opera" and it follows a version of the Greek myth Orpheus and Eurydice. Anaïs plays Eurydice with her sugary sweet voice and Justin Vernon (of Bon Iver) plays Orpheus. Other notable players include Ani DiFranco as Persephone (have I mentioned my love for Ani yet?). I put this album on when I'm cleaning the house because it's the perfect time to sing along at the top of my lungs. Apologies to my family and neighbours! I saw Anaïs (and guests) perform the album end to end in Swift Current in 2012. It was one of the best concerts I have ever taken in. Anaïs is so genuine and talented and I instantly had a huge crush on her. The album was expanded to a theatrical version in 2016 and pre-pandemic it was playing on Broadway. I plan to see that version someday but I can't imagine it will live up to that magical night in that intimate little club in Swift Current. I picked this one song of the album but I urge you to listen to the whole album! So good.

“Fetch the Bolt Cutters” - Fiona Apple
Fiona Apple's music has always resonated deeply with me. I had her album Tidal on heavy rotation in my teenage years. She released Fetch the Bolt Cutters in April 2020 and I sure welcomed this new music during the pandemic lockdown. Fiona said, "It’s about breaking out of whatever prison you’ve allowed yourself to live in, whether you built that prison for yourself or whether it was built around you and you just accepted it." Fierce.

“Snake Tongue” - The Beaches
My younger and much hipper sister, Mackenzie, introduced me to The Beaches. This song is a real earworm and I can't help but dance every time it comes on. This song is awesome. The music video is awesome (check it out). These feisty feminist rocker babes are awesome (follow them on Instagram!). I saw them in concert on February 14, 2020, in Saskatoon and their show was 100% pure fun. RFF can you book them for the 2021 festival, please?

“Move Over” - Janis Joplin
Janis is one of the most iconic artists of the 1960s and I discovered her when I was a teenager in the mid-90s. This was during my hippie phase when I was completely convinced that I had been born in the wrong decade. I recall driving around the streets of Regina with my friends in my VW Rabbit crooning "Oh lord, won't you buy me a mur-say-deez benz..." Janis was the first kickass female artist that I fell in love with and surely paved the way for my love of all of the other ladies on this playlist.


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