Kris is a theatre artist, a Regina monologue, a brown kid grateful for the village who raises her. She is privileged to build relationships in artful ways (Curtain Razors, Fadadance, Artesian, Globe Theatre, Common Weal).  

Kris performs in other people’s work (Bad Blood, Carmen Angel), makes her own work (What Kind of Brown Are You, Burnt Sienna), and moments before the pandemic, she was humbled by life-inspiring experiences (Reasonable Doubt). 

Through the pandemic & onward, Kris continues… in film (Donkeyhead, Karma Films / Agam Darshi), in parks (The Other Side of the River, Sum Theatre), on TV (ZARQA, CBC Gem), onstage (Making Spirits Bright – Globe Theatre) and in creation (Acknowledging). 

Kris Alvarez


Holophon Drone Ensemble

