RFF commits to helping build a safer music community in Saskatchewan and beyond.

The Regina Folk Festival believes survivors. Standing in one’s truth and speaking about personal experiences with harassment and trauma is an act of bravery. In this way, we commend the Saskatchewan community members for sharing their negative experiences related to working with members of the Saskatchewan music community. These stories detail a scenario that is all too common in the larger music community. Similarly, we thank the community members who asked us to use our platform to share our solidarity with survivors, as we believe it is important for The Regina Folk Festival to lead by example. 

As active members of the Saskatchewan music community, we want to build an industry that does not tolerate harassment of any kind. We value the safety of our community, artists, volunteers, and employees. Informed by our values, we are committed to fostering safety in both policy and practice. We also commit to our continued learning to make the music community better.

This is a conversation about listening, learning, and continuous improvements. It is not about one public statement, nor is it isolated to one instance. We, like other members of this community, have felt this heaviness, and are taking the time to reflect, learn, and heal. We encourage our community to join us on this journey, and call each other in to better the music industry in Saskatchewan. 

We invite the Regina Folk Festival community to grow with us by investing time and energy in the resources below. If you want to learn more about how the RFF has been addressing these issues, and have suggestions or feedback you would like to raise with us, we welcome your comments and feedback. Please email us so we can continue this conversation and the work together: info@reginafolkfestival.com 

In the coming weeks we will report back on the concrete actions that the Regina Folk Festival has taken, and the future actions we will take, to contribute to this on-going learning.


•Register for Saskatoon Sexual Assault & Information Centre & OUTSaskatoon’s Event - Examining Sexualized Violence Through a Queer Lens (April 13) https://ssaic.ca/online-learning-workshop-series/

•Book and attend a workshop provided by UR Pride’s Positive Space Network Program https://www.urpride.ca/workshops/

•Donate to Regina Sexual Assault Centre https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/regina-womens-community-centre-and-sexual-assault-line-inc/


Winterruption: Val Halla


Winterruption is Melting into Spring