Announcing the departure of Executive Director Josh Haugerud

The Regina Folk Festival Board of Directors announces the departure of Executive Director Josh Haugerud effective immediately. Josh joined the team in March 2020. During his time at the helm, he was instrumental in developing robust support for staff and fostering new relationships in the sector and beyond. In his three year tenure, he shepherded the organization through challenging and ever-changing pandemic realities, spearheading 2020s Drive-In Concert, which brought audiences to the Conexus Arts Centre to enjoy local musicians from the safe distance of their cars. In 2022, Josh worked with Hearing Loops Canada and the City of Regina to bring hearing loops technology to the summer festival. This initiative allowed audience members with hearing impairments an enhanced and specialized auditory experience that we’re pleased to expand on at this summer’s festival. 

Of his time with the organization, Josh said:

“As I reflect on my time with the Regina Folk Festival, I remember the joy, the challenges, the excitement, the people, and the music. I am grateful that I have been able to experience this festival as a volunteer, an audience member, and as a staff member. Each time I step into Victoria Park, I will forever be reminded of those summer days and nights filled with happy faces, music, art, and culture. Thank you to the board, volunteers, sponsors, funders, artists, and staff. I wish you all the best in the future. This is more than a music festival; this is a community. I am so glad to have played a part in it.”

Effective May 29, 2023, current Finance Manager Leo Keiser will step into a temporary role as Interim Executive Director to see the organization through a transition to new leadership. Since joining the Regina Folk Festival team in 2017, Leo has shown considerable strengths in financial and operational leadership, proving themselves to be a diligent administrator. The board is confident that these skills, alongside their love of the festival, will be an incredible asset during this transitional period. Leo is deeply passionate about live music and the opportunities for community connection that it creates, and is looking forward to seeing you in Victoria Park this August for the Regina Folk Festival’s 52nd edition.

The Board of Directors will begin their search for a permanent Executive Director in June. Any questions about this shift in leadership can be directed to board President Risa Payant at


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