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Holly G.'s Playlist Playground: Groovy Sask Songs

I love music and the community that it creates. As much as I love music, I think I love the people more!! I have volunteered for RFF for a few years now and look forward to many more. It has truly become the highlight of my summer!

This playlist has my current favourite songs from Sask artists on it! All of them are groovy and all of them make my head bop!!

“Slowly Starting to Take Form” - vbnd, Katie Tupper, The Soulmate Collective
This is the first single from a seriously awesome album coming out in April! Full groove with this one.

“Quiet” - Megan Nash
I love Megan Nash and everything she creates. She is the star of every playlist.

“T.A.C.O.” - Lord Byrun
This song is my ideal windows down, summer night cruise tune. It reminds me of Ness Creek Music Festival and that makes me smile :)

“I Dreamed” - ygretz
This song reminds me of the basement in the old T+A when I spilled an entire glass of wine right in front of Greta as she played a show. Fond memories :)

“Yellow Topsheet, Pt. 1” - Hoodoo Mafia
This song should be on every playlist. I think it's impossible to sit still while listening to it.

“Honey” - Ariel & Sean
This song has everything you need. It’s super groovy and hard to get out of your head. This duo knows how to create a bop!


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